GRT's approach encompasses four core beliefs, which lock together to form a cohesive, solid overall whole:
EXCELLENCE: The Company aims for the best, and employs the best to achieve it. GRT's standards are high and the Company's successes match them. TRAINING: GRT is committed to providing the hydrocarbon market with a solid future, by training the next generation of operators in every facet of the business. PARTNERSHIP: Every client GRT deals with is treated as an equal, with a decentralized decision-making staff allowing turnkey operations to operate with unmatched, autonomous speed. KNOWLEDGE: The highest technology is useless without the ability to employ it correctly, and our vast knowledge base is ever expanding. Leading edge tech, techniques and methodologies are all assimilated GRT's core teams. |
Our goals are clear-cut and focused: surpass the services of the others, and lead the field in every facet of the hydrocarbon extraction business. We aim to:
• Employ the highest technology in the most productive manner
Through these goals we aim to achieve extraordinary tasks, provide a shining example to the industry as a whole, and build a solid base of trained personnel, capable of taking on the turnkey operations and perpetuating growth and prosperity for the regions in which we work. |